The charm of feathers with the boa
Wrap yourself in glamour with our burlesque class, using the boa. Immerse yourself in the sensual elegance of… View+
Wrap yourself in glamour with our burlesque class, using the boa. Immerse yourself in the sensual elegance of… View+
Refine your movements with our contemporary jazz technique combo class. Merging the fluidity of contemporary dance with the… View+
Explore the groove and creativity with our funky jazz class! Dance to an infectious rhythm while delving into… View+
Immerse yourself in a soothing and rejuvenating practice of Yin Yoga, specially designed to relax and gently stretch… View+
Through carefully explained postures and a special focus on breath, you will develop a profound awareness of your… View+
Enhance the mobility of your shoulders and wrists with this dedicated calisthenics class. By combining specific exercises and… View+
Unleash the power of your core with this targeted calisthenics class. By combining varied exercises and specific strengthening… View+
Energize your day with our under 10-minute express fitness class, focused on an effective routine with a kettlebell.… View+
Découvre la magie des déplacements dans la danse Bollywood lors de ce cours. Apprends à te déplacer avec… View+
Laisses-toi séduire par notre cours introductif de burlesque en apprenant à ajouter une touche de mystère et d’élégance… View+
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C'est avec une grande excitation que nous t'annonçons que StudioBizz.Tv se transforme et devient : l'application qui donne le rythme à ton corps et à ton esprit.