Archives des FR – Page 35 sur 56 – PomGrenad, l'application de sport et de bien-être au féminin


Swiss ball workout

Discover our innovative fitness class using a Swiss ball as an accessory. Uniquely strengthen your muscles by engaging… View+

12min mobility

Enhance your mobility and flexibility with this dedicated class. Explore gentle and specific movements that promote body ease… View+

Mini bands workout

Explore our dynamic fitness class centered around the use of resistance bands to intensify your movements. Strengthen and… View+

Emom for 12 minutes

Elevate your endurance and intensity with our EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) workout class. Every minute, tackle… View+

Core focus

Refine and tone your abdomen with our dedicated abs fitness class. Follow a series of targeted exercises to… View+

Mobility routine

Give your body a break with our mobility class. Enhance your flexibility, fluidity, and range of motion through… View+

Lower body

Build strong legs and a firm glutes with our dedicated lower body fitness class. Flow through targeted exercises… View+

The jumps

Explore the art of soaring with our beginner’s class on ballet jumps. Learn techniques to execute light and… View+

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StudioBizz.Tv devient PomGrenad

C'est avec une grande excitation que nous t'annonçons que StudioBizz.Tv se transforme et devient : l'application qui donne le rythme à ton corps et à ton esprit.
