Archives des FR – Page 36 sur 56 – PomGrenad, l'application de sport et de bien-être au féminin


Ballet in the center

Elevate your technique with our beginner’s class on center work in ballet. Learn to execute graceful and intricate… View+

Body positions

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of ballet with this beginner’s class on body positions. Master the fundamentals… View+


Take your first steps at the ballet barre in this beginner’s class. Learn the basics of alignment, posture,… View+

Floor exercices

In this class, you will assimilate new concepts about the fundamentals of ballet through floor exercises. Develop the… View+

Legs position

Explore the beauty of ballet with this beginner’s class on leg positions. Learn the fundamentals of graceful and… View+

Arm positions

Discover the grace of ballet with this first beginner’s class on arm positions. You’ll learn the basics of… View+

A scintillating choreo

Experience the magic of Bollywood through this first choreography, after mastering all the movements learned in previous classes.… View+


Whirl into the enchanting world of Bollywood dance with this class focused on spins and rotations. Learn the… View+

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