Back workout
Strengthen your back with this back-focused cardio-pilates class. This fusion of cardio exercises and pilates workouts tones and… View+
Strengthen your back with this back-focused cardio-pilates class. This fusion of cardio exercises and pilates workouts tones and… View+
Ramp up the intensity with our upper body cardio-pilates class. Combining cardiovascular training with targeted pilates exercises, this… View+
Discover the harmony of movement with this cardio-pilates class focused on hip and spinal mobility. Merge cardio exercises… View+
Strengthen your core with this cardio-pilates class focused on the abdominal area. Combine cardiovascular training with targeted Pilates… View+
Tone the lower part of your body with this class focusing on legs and glutes. Experience the fusion… View+
Ce cours est dispensé en anglais. Plonge dans l’harmonie des cinq éléments avec ce cours de méditation. Immerge-toi… View+
Ce cours est dispensé en anglais. Lance-toi dans un voyage d’amour et de bienveillance avec notre cours de… View+
Ce cours est dispensé en anglais. Élève ton énergie grâce à notre cours de méditation axé sur la… View+
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