Archives des FR – Page 41 sur 56 – PomGrenad, l'application de sport et de bien-être au féminin



This calming and mindful Yin Yoga practice is specifically designed to take care of your spine. With gentle,… View+

Hips opening

This soothing and profound practice of Yin Yoga is specially designed to open and release the hips. Through… View+

Cultivate alignment

Through carefully explained postures and a special focus on breath, you will develop a profound awareness of your… View+

Joints opening

Immerse yourself in a Hatha Yoga practice focused on opening and releasing the joints. This soothing sequence of… View+

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StudioBizz.Tv devient PomGrenad

C'est avec une grande excitation que nous t'annonçons que StudioBizz.Tv se transforme et devient : l'application qui donne le rythme à ton corps et à ton esprit.
