FR Archives - Page 42 sur 55 - PomGrenad, l'application de sport et de bien-être au féminin



This class delves into the art of fluid and dynamic rolls, integrating them into short choreographies and other…

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This energetic class is entirely dedicated to mastering the art of « rocking, » a fundamental element of hip-hop dance.…

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Shoulders pump

Transform your shoulders with this intense calisthenics class. By combining strengthening and stability exercises, you’ll specifically target your…

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6 pack core

Build strong and sculpted abs with this targeted calisthenics class. You’ll be guided through a series of varied…

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Full body sculpt

Enhance your overall fitness with this full-body calisthenics class. By combining functional exercises, compound movements, and dynamic sequences,…

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Reinforced legs

Strengthen and tone your legs with this calisthenics class. Through a series of dynamic exercises and functional movements,…

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StudioBizz.Tv devient PomGrenad

C'est avec une grande excitation que nous t'annonçons que StudioBizz.Tv se transforme et devient : l'application qui donne le rythme à ton corps et à ton esprit.
