Archives des Freemium – Page 10 sur 19 – PomGrenad, l'application de sport et de bien-être au féminin


Rebonds (EN)

Ce cours est dispensé en anglais. Explore l’univers vibrant du hip-hop en apprenant les mouvements fondamentaux tels que… View+


Immerse yourself in an energetic session where each posture is an opportunity to stretch and explore the limits… View+

Full-body stretches

In this Power Yoga class, strength and fluidity come together in a session dedicated to deep stretching. Explore… View+

Vinyasa backbend

This class will immerse you in the graceful art of backbends, harmonized with the characteristic fluidity of vinyasa.… View+

Full body tone

Dive into a yoga session that resembles a workout, as it has been designed to activate every muscle… View+

Core flow

During this session, immerse yourself in a continuous flow of powerful movements designed to strengthen and energize your… View+

Release stress

Immerse yourself in our yoga session dedicated to stress release. Gentle poses, mindful breathing, and deep relaxation await… View+

For lower back pain

Explore this yoga session designed specifically to relieve your back. In this class, you’ll gently work to strengthen… View+

Deep regeneration

Immerse yourself in complete relaxation with our rejuvenating yoga class. Take this moment to let go, breathe deeply,… View+

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Ton abonnement familial PomGrenad a pris fin, tu as automatiquement été basculé.e sur la version gratuite de la plateforme. Tu peux ainsi toujours accéder à un contenu pré sélectionné.

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StudioBizz.Tv devient PomGrenad

C'est avec une grande excitation que nous t'annonçons que StudioBizz.Tv se transforme et devient : l'application qui donne le rythme à ton corps et à ton esprit.
