Stomach vacuum and sheathing, level 1
This beginner fitness class introduces you to the « stomach vacuum » technique, which is a way of contracting deep… View+
This beginner fitness class introduces you to the « stomach vacuum » technique, which is a way of contracting deep… View+
Get ready to step up your training with this fitness class, designed for muscle building. This dynamic workout… View+
Challenge yourself with our fitness class focused on cardiovascular training. This intense session will make you sweat and… View+
Check out this energizing session that will boost your heart rate and help you burn calories. This dynamic… View+
Take it to the next level with our lower body fitness class. This intensive class will work your… View+
Ce cours est dispensé en anglais. Apprends à maîtriser l’art de l’équilibre sur les bras dans ce cours… View+
Immerse yourself in the subtleties of moving gracefully from one support to another, perfecting your technical mastery and… View+
Dive into a targeted upper body fitness workout, specially designed for fitness beginners. This class will guide you… View+
Plonge dans les subtilités du déplacement gracieux d’un appui à l’autre, perfectionnant ainsi ta maîtrise technique et ta… View+
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C'est avec une grande excitation que nous t'annonçons que StudioBizz.Tv se transforme et devient : l'application qui donne le rythme à ton corps et à ton esprit.